--------Thermographic inspection

Thermographic Inspection refers to the nondestructive testing of parts, materials or systems through the imaging of the thermal patterns at the objects surface. This is especially useful for monitoring Fired Heaters, Flare Stacks and Boilers.

What are the advantages?

The main advantage of infrared thermography is that large areas can be scanned in a short amount of time with no interruption to operation. This results in major savings in time, people, work and machinery. In addition, there are advantages of infrared thermography over the other non-destructive techniques. The infrared thermographic device is risk-free, as it does not emit any radiation; it only records the infrared radiation emitted from the material that is under assessment. Moreover, infrared thermography is an area investigating technique, whereas most of the other non-destructive methods are either point or line testing methods. Furthermore, infrared thermographic testing may be performed during both day - and night - time hours.